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☆(유)Rule by Numbers - Governmentality in Colonial India 본문

영토·공간 연구

☆(유)Rule by Numbers - Governmentality in Colonial India

달고양이 Friday 2014. 10. 22. 14:46


U. Kalpagam,

☆Rule by Numbers: Governmentality in Colonial India.

Lexington Books, 2014


올해(2014년) 출간된 이 도서는 인도 학자가 푸코의 통치성 개념을 도입하여 영국-인도 통치성을 분석한 연구이다. 영국이 인도에 도입한 공간, 시간, 측정, 이성, 인과성 등을 통해 근대 과학담론을 생산한 통치행정을 통해 식민지 통치를 설명하고 있다.





U. Kalpagam has given us a book that is brave, challenging, and ambitious. Drawing on her familiarity with the diverse literatures of postcolonial theory, Foucaultian 'governmentality' and Indian colonial history, she explores the shifting categories of space, time, measurement, and causality involved in the emergence of a colonial governmentality in India that parallels, but differs substantially from, the liberal governmentality that emerged in Europe at around the same period. Both governmentality and postcolonial theorists who are unfamiliar with the other perspective will find here a book that challenges their preconceptions. (Barry Hindess, Australian National University)

Rule by Numbers is a valuable contribution to what has come to be generally known as postcolonial studies. Drawing her inspiration from Michel Foucault, U. Kalpagam has provided a fascinating account of the way the colonial state of British India was formed as an administration producing modern scientific discourses, through which it introduced Western conceptions of space, time, measure, reason, and causality. This book contains a wealth of historical material. (Talal Asad, The City University of New York)

Resolutely Foucauldian in her approach, U. Kalpagam offers a refreshing survey of the emergence of modern technologies of government in colonial India. After a useful overview of notions of sovereignty in pre-British India, she looks at how the abstract space of modern state sovereignty was filled out under British colonial rule into functional sites and the spaces of political economy. She documents this epistemological conquest by looking in turn at the domains of history, economy, society (castes, tribes, religion, race), public health, and the public sphere. This is a valuable introduction to the subject of governmentality and biopolitics in colonial India. (Partha Chatterjee, Columbia University)

Rule by Numbers offers original perspectives on the construction of the colonial state and colonial power in the framework of governmentality and draws implications for the postcolonial nation-state in the contemporary period. This book specifically focuses on the production of statistical knowledge as part of colonial governance. Its Foucauldian insights offer new perspectives on governance, state and subjects for postcolonial studies.

About the Author

U. Kalpagam is professor at the G. B. Pant Social Science Institute, University of Allahabad, India.