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Bulpitt. ☆(유) Territory and Power in the United Kingdom
Thom Kuehls ☆Beyond Sovereign Territory: The Space of Ecopolitics Univ Of Minnesota Press, 1996
Braun,B. 2000. "Producing vertical territory: Geology and governmentality in late Victorian Canada", Ecumene 7(1):7-46. This paper relates developments in the science of geology to forms of governmental rationality in Canada during the late nineteenth century. By so doing it opens for discussion a topic rarely broached by political theorists: the role that the earth sciences p..
Margaret Moore ☆A Political Theory of Territory (Oxford University Press, 2015)
A. Kolers. ☆Land Conflict and Justice:a Political Theory of Territory Cambridge University Press 2009
Jordan Branch ★The Cartographic State: Maps, Territory, and the Origins of Sovereignty (New York:Cambridge University Press, 2014)
Philo C. 2000. "The Birth of the Clinic: an unknown work of medical geography", Area 32, pp.11–19. Philo C. 2001. "Accumulating populations: bodies, institutions and space", International Journal of Population Geography 7, pp.473–490. Stephen Legg, 2005. "Foucault’s Population Geographies: Classifications, Biopolitics and Governmental Spaces", POPULATION, SPACE A..