목록지식 (6)
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
J.B. Harley. ★The New Nature of Maps: Essays in the History of Cartography. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001
Bernard S. Cohn ★Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge: the British in India (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1996) 인도 등 영국 식민지는 제도나 아이디어들이 본토에 적용하기에 앞서 시험해보기 위한 일종의 실험실과 같은 역할을 했다는 주장을 하고 있음.
Locke, John 저, Roger Woolhouse 엵음. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Penguin Classics, 2004 Locke says, “My purpose is to enquire into the origin, certainty, and extent of human knowledge; together, with the grounds and degrees of belief, opinion, and assent.”
The Demographics of Empire: The Colonial Order and the Creation of Knowledge Karl Ittmann,Dennis D. Cordell,Gregory H. Maddox During the first decades of the 20th century, colonial officials and missionaries throughout sub-Saharan Africa were haunted by fears of decreasing African populations. They linked population decline and underpopulation to a wide variety of causes, nota..
Philippa Berry &​ Margaret Tudeau-Clayton, Textures of Renaissance Knowledge (Manchester University Press, 2004) This volume addresses the multiple, complex and sometimes contradictory forms of knowledge in circulation during a period recognized as a turning point in the intellectual history of Western Europe, and described today alternatively as "early modern" or "Renai..