목록주권 (6)
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Thom Kuehls ☆Beyond Sovereign Territory: The Space of Ecopolitics Univ Of Minnesota Press, 1996
Hent Kalmo, Quentin Skinner(ed) ★Sovereignty in Fragments: The Past, Present and Future of a Contested Concept(Cambridge University Press 2010) Contents: Introduction: a concept in fragments - Hent Kalmo and Quentin Skinner 1. The sovereign state: a genealogy - Quentin Skinner 2. The apparition of sovereignty - Denis Baranger 3. The Westphalian myth and the idea of external ..
Bartelson, Jens. ★A Genealogy of Sovereignty Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995 요약 설명자료 - http://territorialmasquerades.net/a-genealogy-of-sovereignty/ This was a difficult book so I tried outlining it chapter by chapter: Ch. 1 – Bartelson proposes a genealogy of “sovereignty” and lays out the arguments and methods for his approach for writing ..
Jordan Branch ★The Cartographic State: Maps, Territory, and the Origins of Sovereignty (New York:Cambridge University Press, 2014)
Sergei Prozorov Foucault, Freedom and Sovereignty Foucault_Freedom_and_Sovereignty_Intro.pdf review-Foucault, Freedom and Sovereignty.pdf Against the prevailing interpretations which disqualify a Foucauldian approach from the discourse of freedom, this study offers a novel concept of political freedom and posits freedom as the primary axiological motif of Foucault's writing. B..
Aihwa Ong, Neoliberalism as Exception: Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty. The Duke University Press, 2006. 출처: http://www.pssp.org/bbs/view.php?board=journal&category1=82&nid=3630 서문(출처:http://www.pssp.org/bbs/view.php?board=journal&category1=82&nid=3630) 예외로서 신자유주의, 신자유주의의 예외 신자유주의는 관점에 따라 다른 의..