목록홉스 (12)
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Peter Berkowitz Virtue and the Making of Modern Liberalism
Larry May Limiting Leviathan:Hobbes on Law and International Affairs Oxford UP 2013 Comments on Larry May’s Limiting Leviathan, Hobbes on Law and International Affairs.pdf
Michael P. Krom ☆The Limits of Reason in Hobbes's Commonwealth (Bloomsbury Academic 2011)
Susanne Sreedhar Hobbes on Resistance:Defying the Leviathan (Cambridge University Press 2013)
Samuel I. Mintz The Hunting of Leviathan - Seventeenth century Reactions to the Materialism and Moral Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes (Cambridge University Press 2010)
칼 슈미트(C. Schmitt) ★The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes - Meaning and Failure of A Political Symbol (University of Chicago Press, 2008)
Richard E Flathman, David Johnston(ed) Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan - Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Interpretations New York, NY [u.a.] Norton 1997
Thomas Hobbes:Critical Assessments(vol 1)