목록공간적 사유 (63)
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Peet, Richard. Modern Geographical Thought Blackwell, Oxford. 1998
★Writing Turkey’s Geopolitics: The Rise and Fall of Kemalist Geopolitics Murat Yesiltas, Sakarya University Abstract By problematizing the concept of “geo-power” rooted in critical geopolitics in general and the “Kemalist geopolitical mentality” in particular, the paper concerns with the formal geopolitical discourse of Turkish Military in its historical process. B..
Fa-ti Fan British Naturalists in Qing China:Science, Empire, and Cultural Encounter Harvard University Press, 2004
David Gilbert, David Matless, Brian Short(ed) ★Geographies of British Modernity: Space and Society in the Twentieth Century(Wiley-Blackwell 2008)
Simon Naylor Regionalizing Science: Placing Knowledges in Victorian England (Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century) Pickering & Chatto Ltd (June 30, 2010)
Robert J. Mayhew ★Enlightenment Geography:The Political Languages of British Geography, 1650-1850(Palgrave Macmillan, 2000)
David N. Livingstone, Charles W. J. Withers ★Geography and Revolution University of Chicago Press, 2010