목록사회 진화론 (5)
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유교담론의 지형학
이승환 저, 유교담론의 지형학 (푸른숲 출판사, 2004) A Topography of Confucian Discourse
2015. 9. 6. 22:01
(유) Prestige and Comfort
Sherrie Crossa "Prestige and Comfort: The development of Social Darwinism in early Meiji Japan, and the role of Edward Sylvester Morse," Annals of Science Volume 53, Issue 4, 1996 pp.323-344. Summary The importation of Spencerism and Social Darwinism into Japan in the early Meiji era (from 1868 to the early 1880s) occurred against a background of rapid economic and industrial ..
2015. 9. 6. 21:46
(유) Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860–1945
Mike Hawkins Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860–1945 Cambridge University Press, 1997
2015. 9. 6. 20:29
(유) Social Darwinism in American thought
R. Hofstadter Social Darwinism in American thought (Boston, MA, 1992[1944]) 미국 사회의 사유속에 사회진화론이 자리잡고 있다고 고발한 역작이다. 미국 학계는 근대 미국을 이야기 할 때, 이 책을 빠지지 않고 인용한다.
2015. 9. 6. 20:23