목록식민주의 (7)
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
Civilizing Natures Race, Resources, and Modernity in Colonial South India Kavita Philip, Rutgers University Press, 2004
Alyosha Goldstein(ed) ☆Formations of United States Colonialism Duke University Press Books (November 11, 2014)
Pels, Peter, "THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF COLONIALISM: Culture, History, and the Emergence of Western Governmentality", Annual Review of Anthropology 1997 Volume 26 pp.163-183 The study of colonialism erases the boundaries between anthropology and history or literary studies, and between the postcolonial present and the colonial past. From the standpoint of anthropology, it is also re..
Bernard S. Cohn ★Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge: the British in India (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1996) 인도 등 영국 식민지는 제도나 아이디어들이 본토에 적용하기에 앞서 시험해보기 위한 일종의 실험실과 같은 역할을 했다는 주장을 하고 있음.
Ashis Nandy(ed) ★Science,Hegemony and Violence: A Requiem for Modernity (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1988) 식민지에서 과학은 단순히 국가권력을 유지하기 위한 수단이 아니라 목적 자체가 되었다고 성토하고 있음. 식민지 독립국가들에서 과학지식의 습득을 통해 권력 및 자원에 대한 접근이 용이하게 됨. ..
Decolonizing Methodologies - Research and Indigenous Peoples Linda Tuhiwai Smith 리뷰 논문이 꽤 돼는 연구물이다. 그녀는 서구의 연구방법론이 제국주의와 식민주의와 관련되었다는 주장을 한다. “It appals us that the West can desire, extract and claim ownership of our ways of knowing, our imagery, the things we create and produce, and ..
Legg, Stephen. Spaces of Colonialism: Delhi’s Urban Governmentalities Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. 1 Imperial Delhi 1 Security, Territory, Population 2 Governmental rationalities 2 Limits of governmentality 14 Colonial Governmentality 20 The spatial differences of colonial governmentality 20 The temporal differences of colonial governmentality 25 New Delhi: Showcase of Sovereign..