목록근대성 (9)
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
Schmid, Andre Korea between Empires, 1895-1919 (New York: Columbia, University Press, 2002)
Judy Hilkey Character Is Capital: Success Manuals and Manhood in Gilded Age America (The University of North Carolina Press, 1997)
E. Anthony Rotundo American Manhood: Transformations In Masculinity From The Revolution To The Modern Era (Basic Books, 1994)
Michael Kimmel Manhood in America: A Cultural History Oxford University Press, 2011(3 eds)
Dana D. Nelson National manhood: Capitalist Citizenship and the Imagined Fraternity of White Men, Duke University Press Books (October 14, 1998)
David Gilbert, David Matless, Brian Short(ed) ★Geographies of British Modernity: Space and Society in the Twentieth Century(Wiley-Blackwell 2008)
Srđan Lelas Science and Modernity: Toward an Integral Theory of Science