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★Geographic Thought(유) 본문

영토·공간 연구

★Geographic Thought(유)

달고양이 Friday 2014. 11. 28. 18:00

★Geographic Thought




SECTION 1: THE POLITICS OF GEOGRAPHIC THOUGHT                                                                      1
Introduction: why is geographic thought always political?                                                                    3
1 Revolutionary and counter-revolutionary theory in geography and the problem of ghetto formation    13
David Harvey
2 Geographic models of imperialism                                                                                                 23
James M. Blaut
3 on not excluding half of the human in human geography                                                                35
Janice Monk and Susan Hanson

SECTION 2: STAKING CLAIMS                                                                                                          47
Introduction: moral knowledge/geographical knowledge

– what does it mean to claim moral ground, or how is oppression to be recognize?                            49

Part 1: Characterizing oppressions and recognizing injustice                                                              51
Introduction 51
4 Five faces of oppression                                                                                                         55
Iris Marion Young
5 Social justice in the age of identity politics: redistribution, recognition, and participation  72
Nancy Fraser

Part 2: Making justice spatial                                                                                                             91
Introduction                                                                                                                                     91
6 Moral progress in human geography: transcending the place of good fortune                 95
David M. Smith

7 Dissecting the autonomous self: hybrid cartographies for a relational ethics        109
Sarah Whatmore

Part 3: Practicing politicized geographic thought                                                            123
Introduction 123
8 Maps, knowledge, and power 129
J. Brian Harley
9 Collaboration across borders: moving beyond positionality 149
Richa Nagar, with Farah Ali et al.
10 Research, pedagogy, and instrumental geography 162
Rich Heyman
11 Situated knowledge through exploration: reflections on Bunge’s ‘Geographical Expeditions’ 173
Andy Merrifield

Introduction: the embeddedness of intentions, tactics, and strategies in rights-, justice-, and ethics-based worldviews 189

Part 1: Rights-based goals 193
Introduction 193
12 Mobility, empowerment and the rights revolution 201
Nicholas K. Blomley
13 Human rights and development in Africa: moral intrusion or empowering opportunity? 215
Giles Mohan and Jeremy Holland
14 New world warriors: ‘nation’ and ‘state’ in the politics of Zapatista and US Patriot Movements 231
Carolyn Gallaher and Oliver Froehling
15 Social theory and the de/reconstruction of agricultural science:local knowledge for an alternative agriculture 248
Jack Kloppenburg, Jr.

Part 2: Justice-based goals 267
Introduction 267
16 Restructuring and the contraction and expansion of environmental
rights in the United States
Laura Pulido17 Environmental justice and American Indian tribal sovereignty: case study of a
land-use conflict in Skull Valley, Utah
Noriko Ishiyama
18 Structural power, agency, and national liberation: the case of East Timor 307
James F. Glassman

Part 3: Ethics-based goals 325
Introduction 325
19 Post-Marxism: democracy and identity 332
Chantal Mouffe
20 U.S. third world feminism: the theory and method of oppositional consciousness
in the postmodern world
Chela Sandoval
21 An ethics of the local 355
J. K. Gibson-Graham