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Capitalism and Classical Social Theory 본문


Capitalism and Classical Social Theory

달고양이 Friday 2015. 2. 7. 16:15

 John Bratton, David Denham

Capitalism and Classical Social Theory
University of Toronto Press 2014



Most texts on classical social theory offer exhaustive coverage of every possible theorist, making it difficult to use the book in one semester. Capitalism and Classical Social Theory, Second Edition represents a departure from this approach by offering solid coverage of the classical triumvirate (Marx, Durkheim, and Weber), but also extending the canon strategically to include Simmel, four early female theorists, and the writings of Du Bois. The result is a manageable, but thorough, examination of the key classical theorists.

The second edition has been updated throughout and includes two new chapters: one on Weber and rationalization, and one on Du Bois and his writings on race. A new concluding chapter links classical theory to current developments in capitalism during an age of austerity



John Bratton, David Denham, Linda Deutschmann, Linda Bell Deutschmann


Capitalism and Classical Sociological Theory

University of Toronto Press, Higher Education Division (March 1, 2009)