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J. Robert Cox 주요 연구물 본문


J. Robert Cox 주요 연구물

달고양이 Friday 2015. 2. 8. 00:15

J. Robert Cox


“Rethinking Critical Voice: Materiality and Situated Knowledge,” in Western Journal of Communication, 57(1993): 278-287. (With Julia T. Wood)


“Historicizing ‘Reason’: Critical Theory, Practice, and Postmodernity,” Communication Monographs, 58(1991): 170-178 (with Della Pollock).


“On ‘Interpreting’ Public Discourse in Post-Modernity,” Western Journal of Speech Communication, 54(1990): 317-329.


“Deliberation under Uncertainty: A Game Simulation of Oral Argumentation in Decision-Making,”Journal of the American Forensic Association, 14 (1977): 61-72.


“The Rhetoric of Child Labor Reform: An Efficacy-Utility Analysis,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, 60 (1974): 359-370.


“Sam J. Ervin: A Rhetoric of Decision-Making,” North Carolina Journal of Speech, 4 (1971): 3-13.


“Natural Space Is Sacred Space,” keynote address, Elon College, Fall Symposium, Elon, NC, Sept. 19, 1994.


“Environmental Justice: The Problem and Possible Legislative Initiatives,” invited presentation to the N.C. General Assembly Environmental Review Commission, Raleigh, NC, Dec. 17, 1993.


“Environmental Racism: A Civil Liberties Issue?” American Civil Liberties Union, Chapel Hill, NC, October 28, 1993.


“Environmental Justice,” Fuqua School of Business, July 7, 1993.


“Environmental Justice, Advocacy, and the Academy,” Duke University School of Environment, April 1993.


“Polluted Rhetoric’: Recovering Citizens Voices in Our Environmental Crisis,” Invited Lecture, Stetson University, Deland, Florida, January 7, 1993.