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그린(에코) 통치성 연구 목록 본문

푸코디언 연구

그린(에코) 통치성 연구 목록

달고양이 Friday 2014. 8. 2. 14:18




Stephanie Rutherford "Green governmentality: insights and opportunities in the study of nature's rule" Progress in Human Geography June 2007 31: 291-307.


MICHAEL WATTS "Preface: Green Capitalism, Green Governmentality" American Behavioral Scientist, May 2002; vol. 45, 9: pp. 1313-1317.


Timothy W. Luke, "Generating Green Governmentality:A Cultural Critique of Environmental Studies as a Power/Knowledge Formation"


HART, KRISTAN JAMES, "The Art of 'Governing Nature': 'Green' Governmentality and the Management of Nature"

Michael Goldman, "Constructing an Environmental State: Eco-governmentality and other Transnational Practices of a 'Green' World Bank" Social Problems
Vol. 48, No. 4 (November 2001), pp. 499-523

Harry F. Dahms,  Nature, Knowledge and Negation