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A Companion to Foucault (2005-유, 2013) 본문

푸코 도서관

A Companion to Foucault (2005-유, 2013)

달고양이 Friday 2014. 11. 13. 14:04


Gary Gutting(Ed), A Companion to Foucault

Cambridge University Press, 2005. Second Edition








Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary, Jana Sawicki (Ed)

A Companion to Foucault, Wiley Blackwell, 2013.





Paul Patton, "From Resistance to Government: Foucault's Lectures 1976–1979"



Interviews formed an integral part of Foucault's work alongside and complementary to the published works. It is primarily in interviews that he elaborates on the implications of his historical studies for thinking about the problems raised by social and political movements. Like his published books, Foucault's lectures sought to engage with the social, political, and intellectual present in which they were presented. In this sense, they are closer to the interviews. This chapter focuses on the developments in his thinking about power as these are displayed in his lectures between 1976 and 1979. It also discusses the role of strategy in relations of power. Building on the centrality of freedom to this concept of power as action on the actions of others, Foucault asserts that there is an intransigence of freedom and a corresponding “agonism” at the heart of power relations.