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Thom Kuehls ☆Beyond Sovereign Territory: The Space of Ecopolitics Univ Of Minnesota Press, 1996
Braun,B. 2000. "Producing vertical territory: Geology and governmentality in late Victorian Canada", Ecumene 7(1):7-46. This paper relates developments in the science of geology to forms of governmental rationality in Canada during the late nineteenth century. By so doing it opens for discussion a topic rarely broached by political theorists: the role that the earth sciences p..
캠브리지 대학 지리학과의 프로젝트 Imperial Subjects: Geography, Geopolitics and Halford Mackinder http://www.geog.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/imperialsubjects/ 'The political pivot of geography', Geographical Journal 170 (2004) 337-346. 'Naturalising empire: echoes of Mackinder for the next American century?' Geopolitics 11 (2006) 74-98. 'Progressive Geopolitics..
Literature, Mapping, and the Politics of Space in Early Modern Britain Cambridge University Press 2001 Mapping has become a key term in current critical discourse, describing a particular cognitive mode of gaining control over the world, of synthesising cultural and geographical information, and of successfully navigating both physical and mental space. In this timely collecti..
Willard Sunderland Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe Cornell University Press 2006