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Heidi V. Scott ☆Contested Territory:Mapping Peru in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries(NOTRE DAME PRESS 2009) Karl H. Offen, Reviews, Journal of Historical Geography 37 (2011) 132-133 Text-based studies of landscape and colonialism tend to privilege discursive approaches. In Contested Territory, Heidi V. Scott seeks to rematerialize colonial landscape studies by focusin..
David Philip Miller, Peter Hanns Reill ★Visions of Empire:Voyages, Botany, and Representations of Nature cambridge university press, 2011 Table of Contents 1. Introduction David Philip Miller Part I. The Banksian Empire 2. Joseph Banks, empire, and 'centers of calculation' in late Hanoverian London - David Philip Miller 3. Agents of empire: the Banksian collectors and evalua..
Jan van Bremen and Akitoshi Shimizu ☆Anthropology and colonialism in Asia and Oceania Curzon 1999
Daniel R. Headrick Power over Peoples:Technology, Environments, and Western Imperialism, 1400 to the Present(Princeton University Press, 2009:2012) Power_over_Peoples_intro.pdf 이 책은 서구 제국들이 기술 혁신을 통해 아프리카, 중동, 아시아 국가들을 침략하고 정복한 역사를 기술과의 관계에서 파악하고 있다.
David N. Livingstone, Charles W. J. Withers ★Geography and Enlightenment University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Daniel Brewer(ED) ☆A Cambridge Companion to French Enlightenment Cambridge University Press 2014 Chapter 15. ☆Charles W. J. Withers, "Space, geography and the global French Enlightenment", pp. 214-232. This chapter explores the terms ‘France’, ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘Geography’ and the relationships between them. Rather than see geography either simply as a subjec..
PHILIP, Kavita ☆Civilising Natures: Race, Resources and Modernity in Colonial South India Hyderabad 2003 Description Science was a central pillar of colonialism, but the converse holds true as well: colonialism profoundly shaped the character of nineteenth-century science. Civilizing Natures unravels unexpected relationships between science, technology, and administrative sy..