목록공간적 사유 (63)
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Colin S. Gray,Geoffrey Sloan Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy 2014
John Bellamy Foster , "The New Geopolitics of Empire", 2006, Monthly ReviewVolume 57, Issue 08 (January) http://monthlyreview.org/2006/01/01/the-new-geopolitics-of-empire/ Today’s imperial ideology proclaims that the United States is the new city on the hill, the capital of an empire dominating the globe. Yet the U.S. global empire, we are nonetheless told, is not an empire ..
Stefano Guzzini The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? - Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crises The end of the Cold War demonstrated the historical possibility of peaceful change and seemingly showed the superiority of non-realist approaches in International Relations. Yet in the post-Cold War period many European countries have experienced a resurgence of a distin..
David T. Murphy The Heroic Earth - Geopolitical Thought in Weimar Germany, 1918–1933. (Kent State University Press 1997)
Parker Geoffrey ★Western Geopolitical Thought in the Twentieth Century (St. Martin's Press, 1985 ; 2014)
Klaus Dodds GeoPolitics: A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press, 2007 Abstract Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction shows why, for a full understanding of contemporary global politics, it is essential to be geopolitical. Geopolitics is a way of looking at the world: one that considers the links between political power, geography, and cultural diversity. In certain..