목록정치적 사유 (108)
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Saskia T. Roselaar Public Land in the Roman Republic - A Social and Economic History of Ager Publicus in Italy, 396-89 BC Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2010 Abstract This book discusses the history of Roman state‐owned land from the early expansion of Rome into Italy to the Social War. Rome usually took land from its defeated enemies, which it then declared to be ‘R..
Alan Ryan On Politics - A History of Political Thought: From Herodotus to the Present (2 Vol. Set), 2012
Alan Finlayson Democracy and Pluralism:The Political Thought of William E. Connolly
Pierre Rosanvallon Democracy Past and Future Columbia University Press, 2006 Democracy Past and Future_ch7.pdf Democracy Past and Future is the first English-language collection of Pierre Rosanvallons most important essays on the historical origins, contemporary difficulties, and future prospects of democratic life. One of Europes leading political thinkers, Rosanvallon propos..
Paul Cartledge Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Janet Coleman. History of Political Thought: From Ancient Greece to Early Christianity Wiley-Blackwell June 29, 2000. Janet Coleman's two volume history of European political theorising, from the ancient Greeks to the Renaissance is the introduction which many have been waiting for. In this volume, Coleman discusses the acknowledged great works of Greek, Roman, and early Chris..