목록제국-통치 (124)
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marxism and the crisis of development in prewar japan List of Tables Preface Acknowledgments ONE. The Setting: Political, Economic, and Intellectual Currents in Taisho Japan TWO. Internal Factors Shaping the Debate: The Evolution of Marxism in Japan to 1927 THREE. The Stimulus from Without: Comintern Theses on Japan, 1922-1932 FOUR. The Challenge: Takahashi Kamekichi and the T..
William Johnston The Modern Epidemic: A History of Tuberculosis in Japan
Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan Andrew Gordon November 1992 참조 https://archive.org/stream/imperialdemocra03jordgoog#page/n6/mode/2up http://www.jpri.org/publications/workingpapers/wp61.html
Japanese and Continental Philosophy: Conversations with the Kyoto School Bret W. Davis,Brian Schroeder,Jason M. Wirth 편집 일본의 교토 학파의 철학을 소개하고 있는 저서이다. 교토 학파란 20세기 교토 대학을 중심으로 서구 철학, 특히 독일 관념철학을 수용한 일본의 철학자들을 지칭하는 말로, 이 철학군의 본류..
Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation (공)저: Leo T. S. Ching Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945 Mark E. Caprio
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Dudden/Japan's Colonization of Korea Japan's Colonization of Korea-Discourse and Power_intro.pdf http://books.google.co.kr/books?id=tfr_Phqpcr8C&printsec=frontcover&hl=ko&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false