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멋대로 처방한 아내 벙어리 만들어 침뜸 등 무면허 불법의료행위 위험 ‘경종’ [763호] 2010년 06월 26일 (토) 황연규 contributor@mjmedi.com 멋대로 처방한 아내 벙어리 만들어 침뜸 등 무면허 불법의료행위 위험 ‘경종’ 제주도 한의계 열전(1)- 名醫 진국태 등 제주특별자치도는 예로부터 한약..
제주도 한의계 열전(2)- 박천래 등 출처: http://m.mjmedi.com/articleView.html?idxno=19414&menu=1 초창기 한의사들 제주 이외 지역 개원 2010.07.03 (토) [764호] 황연규 (contributor@mjmedi.com) 초창기 한의사들 제주 이외 지역 개원 4.3사건 현대사 아픔… 미군정 의료인 개설 여파 제주특별자치도 한의계 열전(2)- ..
Dean, M. (1991) The Constitution of Poverty: Toward a Genealogy of Liberal Governance. London: Routledge. Dean, M. (1994) ‘“A Social Structure of Many Souls”: Moral Regulation, Government, and Self-formation.’ Canadian Journal of Sociology, 19(2), 145–8. Dean, M. (1996) ‘Putting the Technological into Government.’ History of the Human Sciences, 9(3), 47–..
marxism and the crisis of development in prewar japan List of Tables Preface Acknowledgments ONE. The Setting: Political, Economic, and Intellectual Currents in Taisho Japan TWO. Internal Factors Shaping the Debate: The Evolution of Marxism in Japan to 1927 THREE. The Stimulus from Without: Comintern Theses on Japan, 1922-1932 FOUR. The Challenge: Takahashi Kamekichi and the T..
William Johnston The Modern Epidemic: A History of Tuberculosis in Japan
Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan Andrew Gordon November 1992 참조 https://archive.org/stream/imperialdemocra03jordgoog#page/n6/mode/2up http://www.jpri.org/publications/workingpapers/wp61.html
Philippa Berry &​ Margaret Tudeau-Clayton, Textures of Renaissance Knowledge (Manchester University Press, 2004) This volume addresses the multiple, complex and sometimes contradictory forms of knowledge in circulation during a period recognized as a turning point in the intellectual history of Western Europe, and described today alternatively as "early modern" or "Renai..