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Margo Huxley 연구 및 저작 목록 본문

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Margo Huxley 연구 및 저작 목록

달고양이 Friday 2014. 9. 16. 20:44

Margo Huxley 연구 및 저작 목록

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Refereed Research Articles

  • Huxley, M. (2013). Historizing planning, problematizing participation. In: Moor, S. and Harris, A. (eds) Symposium on Planning Histories and Practices of Circulating Urban Knowledge. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
  • Booth, P. and Huxley, M. (2012). 1909 and all that: reflections on the Housing, Town Planning, Etc. Act 1909. Planning Perspectives, 27(2). 267-283.
  • Huxley, M. (2011). A history of the ‘Nudge’. In: Pykett, J. Jones, R. and Whitehead, M. (eds) Intervention on The Political Geography of ‘Libertarian Paternalism’. Political Geography, 30(7), 301-310.
  • Huxley, M. (2011). The specific and the general: the designation of planning problems. CRIOS (Critica Degli Ordinamenti Spaziali), 2, 21-30.
  • Lombard, M. and Huxley, M. (2011). Self-made Cities: ordinary informality? Planning Theory and Practice, 12(1), 120-125.
    (Contribution to ‘Interface’ section on ‘Informality, the Commons and Paradoxes for Planning: concepts and debates for informality and planning’, edited by L. Porter)
  • Huxley, M. (2008). Space and Government: governmentality and geography. Geography Compass, 2/5, 163-168.
  • Huxley, M. (2006). Spatial Rationalities: Order, Environment, Evolution and Government, Social and Cultural Geography, 7(5), 771-787.
  • Moore, S., Faulconbridge, J., Blake, C., Westhead, D. Slater, T. Brown, G. Davison, Huxley, M. and Huijbens, E. (2003). Reflections on Current Developments in Contemporary Urban Geography. Area, 35(2), 217-222.
  • Huxley, M. (2000). The limits to communicative planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 19, 369-377.
  • Huxley, M. and Yiftachel, O. (2000). New paradigm or old myopia? Unsettling the communicative turn in planning theory. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 19, 333-342.
  • Yiftachel, O. and Huxley, M. (2000). Debating dominance and relevance: notes on the ‘communicative turn’ in planning theory. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(4), 907-913.
  • Yiftachel, O. and Huxley, M. (2000). on space, planning and communication: a brief rejoinder. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(4), 922-924.
  • Huxley, M. (1999). If planning’s anything, maybe it’s geography. Australian Planner, 36(3), 128-133.
  • Huxley, M. (1997). “Necessary but by no means sufficient...” Spatial political economy, town planning and the possibility of better cities: a commentary on Brian McLoughlin’s last paper. European Planning Studies, 5(6), 741-751.
  • Huxley, M. (1993). Feminism/Urbanisms: women and cities in Australia. Trames: revue de l’amenagement (University of Montreal), 8, 126-131.
  • Huxley, M. (1993). Private affluence and public squalor? Introduction to UPR Forum: Privatisation and Urban Planning (edited by Huxley). Urban Policy and Research, 11(1), 44-46.
  • Berry. M. and Huxley, M. (1992). Big Build: property capital, the state and urban change in Australia. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16(1), 36-59.
  • Huxley, M. and Winchester, H. (1991). Residential differentiation and social reproduction: the inter-relations of class, gender and space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 9, 233-240.
  • Eccles, D. Hamnett, S. Huxley, M. and McLoughlin, J. B. (1990). Professionalism and academia: the ‘recognition’ of town planning courses. Australian Planner, 28(4), 37-43.

Books and monographs

  • McLoughlin, J. B. and Huxley, M. (eds) (1986). Urban Planning in Australia: Critical Readings. Longman Cheshire, Melbourne.

Contributions to books

  • Huxley, M. (2010). Problematising planning: critical and effective genealogies. In: Healey, P. and Hillier, J. (eds) The Ashgate Research Companion to Planning Theory: conceptual challenges for spatial planning. Ashgate, Farnham. 135-158.
  • Huxley, M. (2008). Planning, space and government. In: Cox. K. Robinson, J. and Low, M. (eds) The Sage Handbook of Political Geography. Sage, London. 123-140.
  • Huxley, M. (2007). Geographies of governmentality. In: Crampton, J. and Elden, S. (eds) Space, Knowledge, Power: Foucault and Geography. Ashgate, London. 185-204.
  • Huxley, M. (2002). Governmentality, gender and planning: a Foucauldian perspective. In: P. Allmendinger and M. Tewdwr-Jones (eds) Planning Futures: new directions for planning theory. Routledge, London. 136-153.
  • Huxley, M. (2002). The suburbs strike back: culture, place and planning in an Australian city. In: D. Hedgecock, J. Little, I. Alexander and O. Yiftachel (eds) The Power of Planning: spaces of control and transformation. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 103-116.
  • Huxley, M. (2000). Administrative coordination, urban management and strategic planning in the 1970s. In: S. Hamnett and R. Freestone (eds) The Australian Metropolis: a planning history. Allen and Unwin, Sydney. 131-148.
  • Huxley, M. (1994). Space, knowledge, power and gender. In: L. Johnson (ed.) Suburban Dreaming: an interdisciplinary approach to Australian cities. Deakin University Press, Geelong. 181-192.
  • Huxley, M. (1994). Escaping the culture: Landscape Architecture and praxes of empowerment. In: H. Edquist and V. Bird (eds) The Culture of Landscape Architecture. Edge Publishing, Melbourne. 35-42.
  • Huxley, M. (1994). Panoptica: Utilitarianism and land-use control. In: K. Gibson and S. Watson (eds) Metropolis Now: planning and the urban in contemporary Australia. Pluto Press, Sydney. 148-160.
  • Huxley, M. (1994). Planning as a Framework of Power: Utilitarian reform, Enlightenment logic and the control of urban space. In: S. Ferber, C. Healy and C. McAuliffe (eds) Beasts of Suburbia: re-interpreting cultures in Australian suburbs. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. 148-169.
  • Huxley, M. (1991). Making Cities Fun: Darling Harbour and the immobilisation of the spectacle. In: P. Carroll, K. Donohue, M. McGovern and J. McMillen (eds) Tourism in Australia. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Sydney. 141-152.


Encyclopaedia Entries

  • Huxley, M. (2009). Foucauldianism. In: R. Kitchin and N. Thrift (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Volume 4, Elsevier, Oxford. 255-262.
  • Huxley, M. (2009). Planning, Urban. In: R. Kitchin and N. Thrift (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Volume 8, Elsevier, Oxford. 193-198.

Working Papers

  • Huxley, M. (2002). ‘This suburb is of value to the whole of Melbourne’: Save Our Suburbs and the struggle against ‘inappropriate’ development. Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, Working Paper No. 6, Melbourne.
    Online PDF
  • Huxley, M. (1996). Regulating spaces of production and reproduction in the city. In: K. Gibson, Huxley, M. , R. Fincher, J. Jacobs, L. Johnson, J. Cameron, M. Pulvirenti and N. Jamieson. Restructuring Difference: social polarisation and the city. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Working Paper No. 6, AHURI, Melbourne.
  • Jamieson, N. and Huxley, M. (1996). Introduction. In: Gibson et al. Restructuring Difference: social polarisation and the city. AHURI Working Paper 6, AHURI, Melbourne.