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A Foucauldian approach to discourse analysis Posted on July 10, 2011by pat thomson A Foucauldian notion of discourse (1) holds that: discourse is a culturally constructed representation of reality, not an exact copydiscourse constructs knowledge and thus governs, through the production of categories of knowledge and assemblages of texts, what it is possible to talk about and w..
Acknowledgements Preface 1. Governmental Rationality: An Introduction Colin Gordon 2. Politics and the Study of Discourse Michel Foucault 3. Questions of Method Michel Foucault 4. Governmentality Michel Foucault 5. Theatrum Politicum: The Genealogy of Capital - Police and the State of Prosperity Pasquale Pasquino 6. Peculiar Interests: Civil Society and Governing 'The System o..
Yiftachel는 도시계획 혹은 지역계획을 통제의 관점에서 바라본다. 그가 쓴 이스라엘이 팔레스타인 지역에 대한 도시계획을 영토, 절차, 사회경제적 측면에서 검토하고 있다. 즉 공간적 내용은 영토적 측면을, 권력관계와 결정과정을 절차적 측면을, 장기 결과를 사회경제적 측면으로 검토..
Margo Huxley 연구물(도시계획 등) Refereed Research Articles Huxley, M. (2013). Historizing planning, problematizing participation. In: Moor, S. and Harris, A. (eds) Symposium on Planning Histories and Practices of Circulating Urban Knowledge. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Booth, P. and Huxley, M. (2012). 1909 and all that: reflections on the Hou..
국내 저자에 의한 푸코 관련 연구 논문․서평. a) 일반 논문․서평. 김경용, 「서평: 가추법과 담론 - 이정우 저 󰡔�담론의 공간󰡕�․에코 저 󰡔�논리와 추리의 기호학󰡕�」, 󰡔�세계의 문학󰡕�, 통권 75호, 김성우, &..