목록전체 글 (905)
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
Richard Phillips Sex, Politics and Empire: A Postcolonial Geography (Studies in Imperialism), Manchester University Press, 2006.
Butlin, Robin A. ☆Geographies of Empire:European Empires and Colonies c.1880–1960, 2009. Dr Michael Collins, Review of Geographies of Empire: European Empires and Colonies c. 1880-1960, (review no. 851) As the title of the book suggests, Geographies of Empire covers the period roughly from the beginning of the ‘scramble for Africa’ – following the British inv..
Denecke, Dietrich & Shaw, Gareth Urban Historical Geography: Recent Progress in Britain and Germany, 2011
Howell, Philip Geographies of Regulation: Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the Empire, 2009 Liverpool, Cambridge, Gibraltar and Hong Kong 영국 제국주의 행정부가 운영한 위 4개 지역의 매춘 장소의 역사를 고찰한 연구물이다.
Deana, Heath Purifying Empire: Obscenity and the Politics of Moral Regulation in Britain, India, and Australia. 2010.
Ideology and Landscape in Historical Perspective
★The Defortification of the German City, 1689-1866
Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography series Gregory A. Barton Empire Forestry and the Origins of Environmentalism, 2007 Butlin, Robin A. Geographies of Empire-European Empires and Colonies c.1880–1960, 2009 Baker, Alan R. H. & Billinge, Mark Geographies of England:The North-South Divide,MaterialandImagined, 2011 Howell, Philip Geographies of Regulation:Policing Pros..