목록전체 글 (905)
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ABUL HOSSAIN AHMED BHUIYAN, AMINUL HAQUE FARAIZI and JIM McALLISTER, "Developmentalism as a Disciplinary Strategy in Bangladesh", Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 39, No. 2 (May, 2005) pp. 349-368. Abstract This article focuses on the working of developmentalism as a disciplinary strategy in Bangladesh. The formation of groups or cooperatives of traditional agriculturists/peasants m..
가파도 중동에 있는 가파 초등학교이다. 가파 초등학교는 항일운동가인 김성숙 선생이 가파도에 세운 신유의숙의 후신이다. 당시 제주도내 초등학교가 3년제로 운영되었는데, 신유의숙만 6년제로 운영되어 이 곳으로 유학왔다고 한다. 아래 사진에 협동 표지석이 있는 것은 김성숙 선생..
Though Foucault is now widely taught in universities, his writings are notoriously difficult. Reassessing Foucault critically examines the implications of his work for students and researchers in a wide range of areas in the social and human sciences. Focusing on the social history of medicine, successive chapters deal with his historiographical, methodological and philosophic..
Anna Leander, Rens van Munster, "Private Security Contractors in the Debate about Darfur:Reflecting and Reinforcing Neo-Liberal Governmentality", International Relations June 2007 vol. 21 no. 2 201-216 Abstract This article explores the loud presence of private security contractors in the evolving and buoyant discussion surrounding Darfur. Relying primarily on statements by se..
Governmentality : critical encounters The book aims to serve four main functions: To situate governmentality as an intellectual development within Foucault’s thinking about the microphysics of power and his genealogical methods; To reveal how research in governmentality has changed as the idea encounters new academic fields, political contexts and regional settings; To exami..