목록전체 글 (905)
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Inventing the Market:Smith, Hegel, Political Theory Lisa Herzog Oxford University Press, 2013 Reviewed By Jeffrey Church, University of Houston In recent years several excellent studies of Adam Smith have appeared which examine the relationship between his moral and economic thought.[1] Scholars have also extensively analyzed Hegel's views of political economy, and have docume..
The Capitalist Mode of Power:Critical Engagements with the Power Theory of Value
Science and the Retreat from Reason 1997 John Gillott, Manjit Kumar Contents Introduction: The Sense of an End The Post-War Loss of Certainty Belittling Humanity Quantum mechanics and the “Risky Game” Chaos, Complexity, and Control Science and Humanism Science and the Retreat from Reason The Loss of Certainty and the Quest for Beauty in Science Notes and References Bibliog..
Locke, John 저, Roger Woolhouse 엵음. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Penguin Classics, 2004 Locke says, “My purpose is to enquire into the origin, certainty, and extent of human knowledge; together, with the grounds and degrees of belief, opinion, and assent.”
William L. Richter. ★Approaches to Political Thought (Rowman Littlefield Publishers. INS, 2009) Preston King, ★Thinking Past a Problem: Essays on the History of Ideas. (Psychology Press, 2000) Reflections on Past and Present(리뷰)- Thinking Past a Problem.pdf Quentin Skinner, "Some Problems in the Analysis of Political Thought and Action" , Political Theory, Vol. 2, No. ..
정치적 사유 국내연구 장인성 , "토포스와 아이덴티티- 개국기 한일 지식인의 국제정치적 사유", 國際政治論叢 제37집 3호, 1998.8, pp.3-50. 이욱근, "춘추시대의 정치적 사유에 대한 연구 : 『詩傳』과 『春秋左氏傳』을 중심으로, ‘권력과 통치(governing) 중심의 정치적 사유’와 ‘규범 중심..
History of American Political Thought
James Ferguson, The Anti-Politics Machine - Development, Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho upress, 1994. The Anti-Politics Machine-intro.pdf The Anti-Politics Machine-9.pdf ★ James Ferguson with Larry Lohmann "The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development" and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho", The Ecologist, vol.24, no.5, September/October 1994, pp.176-181. Ferguso..