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Livingstone, David. 1992. “Statistics Don’t Bleed: Quantification and its Detractors” The Geographical Tradition. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. pp. 304-346.
Trevor J. Barnes and Matthew Farish, "Between Regions: Science, Militarism, and American Geography from World War to Cold War," Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.96(4) (December 2006): 807-26.
Geography and Empire: Critical Studies in the History of Geography Anne Godlewska, Neil Smith Blackwell, 1994. 1. 1. Geography and Empire re-examines the role of geography in imperialism and reinterprets the geography of empire. It brings together new work by eighteen geographers from ten countries. The book is divided into five parts. Part I considers the early engagement of ..
Driver, F. (1992) “Geography’s empire: histories of geographical knowledge” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 10: 23-40.
Human Geography: An Essential Anthology John A. Agnew (Editor), David J. Livingstone, Alisdair Rogers (Editor) Table of Contents Acknowledgements. General Introduction. Part I: Recounting Geography's History:. Introduction. 1. A Plea for the History of Geography: John K. Wright. 2. Paradigms and Revolution or Evolution? R. J. Johnston. 3. Musing on Helicon: Root Metaphors and ..
Political Matter: Technoscience, Democracy, and Public Life (공)저: Bruce Braun, Sarah J. Whatmore, Isabelle Stengers
Livingstone, D.N. 2003. Putting Science in its Place: Geographies of Scientific Knowledge. University of Chicago Press.