목록전체 글 (905)
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Aihwa Ong and Stephen J. Collier (Editor)., Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. 2004
David Arnold, Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India In this innovative analysis of medicine and disease in colonial India, David Arnold explores the vital role of the state in medical and public health activities, arguing that Western medicine became a critical battleground between the colonized and the colonizers. Focusing on thr..
Joyce, Patrick. The Rule of Freedom: Liberalism and the Modern City London: Verso, 2003
Urbanizing Citizenship Urbanizing Citizenship examines processes of urbanization in contemporary Indian cities through the lens of urban citizenship. It provides a fresh understanding of the multiple arenas and practices through which citizenship and urbanism are co-constituted in India. Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars working on India, this book looks..
Foucault and Political Reason Edited by Andrew Barry, Thomas Osborne, and Nikolas Rose 1996 http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/F/bo3630166.html 책소개 Despite the enormous influence of Michel Foucault in gender studies, social theory, and cultural studies, his work has been relatively neglected in the study of politics. Although he never published a book on th..
Roberto Ciccarelli, "Reframing Political Freedom In The Analytics Of Governmentality", Law and Critique November 2008, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp.307-327. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10978-008-9032-z Abstract What distinguishes studies of government (gouvernamentalité) from histories of administration, historical sociologies of state formation and sociologies of..
☆ Sally Engle Merry, "Spatial Govemmentality and the New Urban Social Order: Controlling Gender Violence through Law", American Anthropologist, March 2001, Volume 103, Issue 1, pp.16–29. Abstract The new urban social order depends on a complex combination of systems of punishment, discipline, and security. Scholars drawing on Foucault's analysis of the art and rational..