목록공간적 사유 (63)
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Heidi V. Scott ☆Contested Territory:Mapping Peru in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries(NOTRE DAME PRESS 2009) Karl H. Offen, Reviews, Journal of Historical Geography 37 (2011) 132-133 Text-based studies of landscape and colonialism tend to privilege discursive approaches. In Contested Territory, Heidi V. Scott seeks to rematerialize colonial landscape studies by focusin..
David N. Livingstone, Charles W. J. Withers ★Geography and Enlightenment University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Daniel Brewer(ED) ☆A Cambridge Companion to French Enlightenment Cambridge University Press 2014 Chapter 15. ☆Charles W. J. Withers, "Space, geography and the global French Enlightenment", pp. 214-232. This chapter explores the terms ‘France’, ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘Geography’ and the relationships between them. Rather than see geography either simply as a subjec..
Frederick Cooper Colonialism in Question:Theory, Knowledge, History 2005
Alyosha Goldstein(ed) ☆Formations of United States Colonialism Duke University Press Books (November 11, 2014)
Dennis Conway, Nik Heynen Globalization's Contradictions: Geographies of discipline, destruction and transformation(Routledge, 2006)