목록정치철학 (27)
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Larry May Limiting Leviathan:Hobbes on Law and International Affairs Oxford UP 2013 Comments on Larry May’s Limiting Leviathan, Hobbes on Law and International Affairs.pdf
Michael P. Krom ☆The Limits of Reason in Hobbes's Commonwealth (Bloomsbury Academic 2011)
Noel Malcolm Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford University Press 2002; 2004)
LM Bagby Hobbes's Leviathan: A Reader's Guide Continuum International Publishing Group, 2007
Thomas Ertman Birth of the Leviathan:Building States and Regimes in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 1997)
Patricia Springborg ☆The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes's Leviathan (Cambridge University Press 2007) 스키너를 필두로 한 캠브리지 학파가 홉스 철학에 대한 기존의 해석에 대한 문제점을 지적하며, 맥락이라는 분석틀에 따라 홉스 철학을 재구성한 연구물이다. Reviewed by Susanne Sreedhar, Boston University The 350th anniver..
Susanne Sreedhar Hobbes on Resistance:Defying the Leviathan (Cambridge University Press 2013)