목록정치철학 (27)
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Liberty before Liberalism(스키너의 자유주의 이전의 자유)
Skinner Liberty before Liberalism 퀜틴 스키너 지음 | 푸른역사 출간일 : 2007년
2015. 1. 11. 01:05
Machiavellism : Doctrine Of Raison D'etat And Its Place In Modern History
Machiavellism : Doctrine Of Raison D'etat And Its Place In Modern History, 1965 Friedrich; translated from the German by Scott, Douglas Meinecke - 푸코보다 먼저 마키아벨리와 국가이성에 관심을 보인 사람이 있었네.
2014. 11. 11. 08:22
★(유)Reason of State, Propaganda, and the Thirty Years' War
★Reason of State, Propaganda, and the Thirty Years' War Noel Malcolm Reason of State, Propaganda, ant the Thirty Years' War - 토마스 홉스의 미발간 번역작 Oxford University Press, 2007 In this volume, Noel Malcolm presents his recent discovery of a manuscript tra nslation, in Hobbes’s handwriting, of a propaganda pamphlet written to suppor t the Habsburgs in the..
2014. 11. 10. 21:38