목록제국-통치 (124)
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
(유)Race for Empire
Takashi Fujitani(ed) Race for Empire: Koreans as Japanese and Japanese as Americans during World War II, University of California Press; Reprint edition (July 20, 2013) http://www.amazon.com
2015. 9. 3. 13:34
식민지관료의 정치사(植民地官僚の政治史)
岡本 真希子 植民地官僚の政治史:朝鮮・台湾総督府と帝国日本 (식민지관료의 정치사:조선·대만총독부와 일본제국)
2015. 9. 3. 13:18
In Search of Stability
Charles S. Maier In Search of Stability: Explorations in Historical and Political Economy
2015. 9. 1. 00:05
(유) The Making of Urban Japan
The Making of Urban Japan:Cities and Planning from Edo to the twenty-first century
2015. 8. 31. 23:23
☆Technology and Investment
Barbara Molony ☆Technology and Investment: The Prewar Japanese Chemical Industry
2015. 8. 31. 23:12
Colonial Pathologies
Anderson (2006) Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines
2015. 8. 14. 23:27
(유) Fifty Years of New Japan
Fifty Years of New Japan 1,2 20세기 초반에 쓰여진 책이지만, 최근에 근대 일본을 새롭게 연구하는 움직임이 일면서 재출판되었다.
2015. 8. 13. 23:33