목록제국-통치 (124)
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) "Of the Government of Dependencies by a Free State" (1862) [1: Free states may have dependencies] Free states, like all others, may possess dependencies, acquired either by conquest or by colonization, and our own is the greatest instance of the kind in modern history. It is a most important question how such dependencies ought to be governed. [2: ..
Organic Conservatism, Administrative Realism, and the Imperialist Ethos in the 'Indian Career' of John Stuart Mill a review-article by Vinay Lal* https://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/History/British/jsmill.html Lynn Zastoupil. John Stuart Mill and India. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1994. viii + 280 pp. "I was born in London, on the 20th of May, 1806," wro..
W. R. Crocker ☆ The Japanese Population Problem: The Coming Crisis (Routledge, 1931, 2011) 크로커는 도대체 누구이며, 왜 1931년에 일본의 인구 문제에 관한 책을 써는가? G. C. Allen, Review, "The Japanese Population Problem. by W. R. Crocker", The Economic Journal, Vol. 42, No. 165 (Mar., 1932), pp. 113-115.(jstor)
Tomoko Akamia, "Nation, state, empire and war: Problems of liberalism in modern Japanese history and beyond", Japanese Studies Volume 25, Issue 2, 2005 pp.119-140. Abstract Liberalism in Japan before 1945 has been understood to be problematic because of its disposition to embrace elitism, nationalism and imperialism. These problems are often argued to have been caused by parti..
칡소, 흑우에 이어 백색 한우 탄생 2011년 08월 02일(화) “송아지 송아지 얼룩송아지 엄마 소도 얼룩소 엄마 닮았네.” 박목월 시인이 1930년대 노랫말을 쓴 동요 ‘얼룩송아지’의 한 구절이다. 얼룩소는 1927년에 발표된 정지용 시인의 ‘향수’에도 등장한다. “넓은 벌 동쪽 끝으로 옛이..
Britain and Japan in the Twentieth Century