목록근대화 (83)
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Derek Sayer Capitalism and Modernity: An Excursus on Marx and Weber
J. Stan Metcalfe(ed) Change, Transformation and Development
John Bratton, David Denham Capitalism and Classical Social Theory University of Toronto Press 2014 Most texts on classical social theory offer exhaustive coverage of every possible theorist, making it difficult to use the book in one semester. Capitalism and Classical Social Theory, Second Edition represents a departure from this approach by offering solid coverage of the clas..
Stephen Kalberg, "Max Weber's Types of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization Processes in History", The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 85, No. 5 (Mar., 1980), pp. 1145-1179. abstract Rationality has been recognized as perhaps the major theme in Max Weber's oeuvre. The commentators who have addressed this theme have generally constricted its polymor..
들뢰즈 강의 Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium QUESTION: When you describe capitalism, you say: "There isn't the slightest operation, the slightest industrial or financial mechanism that does not reveal the dementia of the capitalist machine and the pathological character of its rationality (not at all a false rationality, but a true rationality of *this* pathology, of *..
David C. Lindberg The Beginnings of Western Science
The Spatio-temporality of Capitalism Noel Castree Time Society March 2009 vol. 18 no. 1 26-61 http://tas.sagepub.com/content/18/1/26.abstract Abstract This essay seeks to explain the constitutive role that space-time plays in the dynamics of capital accumulation. Through a close reading of David Harvey's work, I show that time and space work together in ways particular to the ..
Trajectories of nation: Remaking citizenship, immigration, and national self-image in Japan by Shin, Hwa Ji, Ph.D., STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK, 2007, 161 pages; 3334927 Abstract: Theories of nationalism and citizenship tend to predict that ethnic and exclusive models of citizenship will be gradually replaced by more civil and inclusive models when a political ..